Isabel Villasmil, MRes.
Isabel Villasmil, MRes.

I'm a conservation biologist, freelance writer, translator, and editor at Selvatico, a publication dedicated to wildlife and forests worldwide, and the myriad of stories born when you do fieldwork.

My first love was biology. I remember being around seven or eight years old, looking at a row of ants and wondering, “what can they be saying to each other,” every time they touched their little heads. I think that’s when I knew I wanted to be a biologist. And I was. For nearly 15 years I studied and worked on many different projects, each more interesting than the next. All of them allowed me to visit different parts of the world. However, in 2015 I decided to change that, and if it piques your curiosity, you can read why in this piece that was created before medium profiles had the option to set up an “About me,” page.

I started writing when I was in high school but stopped somewhere along the way only to find my way back to it around the same time I decided to switch careers.

Since then, I’ve been working mostly as a marketing writer and translator. Now I’ve decided to combine my two passions and use Medium to share scientific findings and stories from my time in the field, but also to draw some attention to conservation projects in forests around the world. Especially those created and lead by local communities.

Selvatico was born out of my need to still contribute to the world of wildlife conservation without the struggle of working with little to no funding in a country marred by political, economic, and social crises.

Follow along to learn more about forests around the world, their inhabitants, and the people that work to conserve them.

Medium member since March 2024
Editor of Selvatico
Isabel Villasmil, MRes.

Isabel Villasmil, MRes.

Conservation biologist gone writer. Sharing my experiences in life and as a former scientist who worked in forests worldwide.